
Rufford 18th and 19th September 2010

Being a Home Front themed event, the Diggers Living History Group chose to represent the Coast Watchers. This scenario represents a location on the extreme top of Northern Queensland in Australia. The Coast Wathers monitored enemy naval and air activity. The Coast Watchers were made up of civilians, reserve and regular Australian Army personnel.

Wartime Clumber June 5th and 6th 2010

For our second event we were joined by Colin for another great weekend at Clumber Park, hosted by Eventplan. Here is a selection of photos from the event with more here. Photos taken by Karen.

Wartime Clumber June 2009

The National Trust 'Wartime Clumber' organised by Eventplan was the groups first event and was a huge success, with great encouragement and feedback from the event organiser, the public and other reenactors. Here are a few of the photos kindly taken by Karen Pate and one kindly taken by Ian from OSB Media made into a terrific magazine cover. Thanks Ian! Additional photos.

Elvington March 2009

Shortly after The Diggers Living History Group was formed a photo shoot was held at the Yorkshire Air Museum near Elvington. Here are some of the photos kindly taken by Christine Mellor. Great job behind that lens Christine! Additional Photos.