
Wartime Christmas Festival 2012 - Bovington Tank Museum

The Diggers Living History Group were invited to help man the Bovington Tank Museum's indoors recruiting office, train platform in France and the trench system as part of their Wartime Christmas Festival 2012 held over the weekend of the 1st and 2nd December. This was carried out along with members of the Gordons and Essex groups. The display is very dimly lit so photography was difficult but here are some photos of the weekend. The groups first, formal annual general meeting was held on the Friday evening.
Blue and Digger wait for some room to become available during a rest period behind the lines
Lofty, Joey and Vic, too near to company HQ

Lofty, Joey and Snowy

Blue contemplating the current enlistment drive

Digger on the station platform in France

Vic, Lofty and Snowy lingering near HQ again


Snowy pretending to be a mannequin.

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