
Group Details

We are a group portraying aspects of the Australian Army during World War II. We have portrayed Australian Soldiers (Diggers) in the Western Desert (1940-1943), Australian Defense Volunteers, 39th Battalion during the the Kokoda campaign and Independent Commandos in the Far East.

Formed in 2009.

Regards John, Barry, Colin, Rod, Rob, James and friends.

Events for 2013

  • Overlord 2013
  • The Chalke Valley History Festival 29/30 June 2013
  • The Yorkshire Wartime Experience 5th / 6th / 7th July 2013
  • Victory Show 7th/8th September 2013



  1. Hi - I'm one of the organisers for the "Tracks to the Trenches" First World War centenary events at the Apedale Valley Light Railway, North Staffs.

    We are planning our next events in May 2016 and 2018 at the moment and I would be pleased to discuss any options for your group to attend please? Please see our event website -
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    1. Hello Gareth
      Thanks for the invitation. I have discussed this with the group and we are unable to attend but thank you and all the best with the event.


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